HALT HOLT! H.R. 811 is the "Patriot Act of Elections"

EDA Halt H.R. 811 Action Page

"The Patriot Act demanded that in exchange for safety, we must give up civil rights.
The Holt Bill demands that in exchange for a paper trail, we must transfer control of elections to White House appointees."

Bev Harris, Founder of BlackboxVoting.org

  • UPDATE: "Floor Manager" Revision of HR 811, July 27
    Click here to download
    • Click here for UPDATED text and analysis of Holt amendments ("Lofgren substitute", issued May 8th)
      • Custom Letter to E-mail Congress and the Press, via the PEN.

        The PEN letter generator enables you to write and send your own letter to three members of the House Committee on Administration, your own Congressional representative, a letter-to-the-editor at one or more daily newspapers in your region, and copies of this action letter to many others--all at the same time!

        The letter you will see displayed is for your information only--it is NOT the letter that is sent.
        YOU write the letter to be sent by pasting or typing in the textbox in item 3 on the submission form
        (scroll past letter to view the form).

        • Custom Letter to FAX to Congress.

          This option presents a finished form letter you can modify with drop-in talking points provided. Simply open up a text file or e-mail application in an adjoining window and copy and paste sections of the letter or talking points you would like to use.
          Save your finished letter and add addresses listed here.

          We urge you to print and FAX your letter to several members of the House Committee on Administration, and to your own Representative. Paper pouring from overheating FAX machines registers a more urgent impression on our public servants. Then give them a ring on the phone!

          • E-mail addresses, phone, and fax numbers
            Contact members of the House Committee on Administration who will be marking up amendments and bringing the Holt bill, H.R. 811, to the House for a vote very soon.
          • 811 Resource Page lists 811 bill text and articles revealing dangers hidden in the Holt bill and the EAC
          • 811 E-Mail Alert you can send to virally multiply this message. Just copy and paste into an HTML-enabled mail message, and send to everyone in your address book.
          • Factsheets you can download, e-mail, and fax to fellow citizens and members of Congress

          House Vote on H.R. 811 Expected Week of July 9

Let's greet them with whirring FAX machines pouring out citizen opposition to H.R. 811.

Prior to Spring recess, the HCA was trying to "fast track" H.R. 811.
An unprecedented outpouring of citizen protest stopped them in their tracks.

Keep FAXING and pouring it on until Congress gets the message:


(Keep the unitary executive OUT of elections)


(The Holt bill permits them)


(The Holt bill extends federal law protection to trade-secret voting software)

Copy and Forward this Page Widely with this Link: http://www.ElectionDefenseAlliance.org/Halt811

HR811_FloorManagersAmendment_072707.pdf175.72 KB