Citizen Activism Tools
Democracy is not for spectators. This is where you will find tools to help empower you, your friends and your fellow citizens take back control of our public election process.
User LoginSite Update Status - 1/24/2017 THe problem with the mail server has been correcrted. It required some re-writing of parts of the code conttrolling the mail function. Any questions send an email to the Webmaster A graphic novel of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. Click here for more info.
Citizen Activism ToolsDemocracy is not for spectators. This is where you will find tools to help empower you, your friends and your fellow citizens take back control of our public election process. |
Universal Ballot SampleUBS verification protocol ends "faith-based"voting
10,000-election simulation proves effectiveness of UBS verification system. See the Press Release Read the Report |