Election Defense Radio Archive
Scroll down to download audio files from Election Defense Radio and Blackbox America radio show archives
Election Defense Radio
Click Here to Hear What It's All About
The Election Defense Radio program has suspended recording of new episodes,
but we may revive the series at a later date.
All 23 recorded shows are available for download in the Election Defense Radio archive section below.
EDA-sponsored Election Integrity radio series on California Public News Service (CANS),
a statewide network of 215 community radio stations.
Click here to access the CANS/EDA archive of radio stories on election integrity subjects.
Election Defense Radio Archive
Click links below to download and listen to valuable news and views from past episodes.
Shows are listed in descending chronological order, latest shows at top, earliest shows at botto
Saving NY Levers, Riverside CA Monitoring Report, Georgia DRE lawsuit
Andi Novick and Rady Ananda explain the virtues of New York's lever machines,
Tom Courbat grades Riverside County, CA an "F" and Garland Favorito updates us on the VoterGA lawsuit.
Hazards of Vote By Mail, AZ primary, Democratic convention
Jim March and John Brakey report on shifty Vote Remote VBM software, AWOL voting machines in the AZ primary,
the election integrity presentation at the Denver convention, and more.
Affidavits, Exit Polls, and Contesting Stolen Elections in Congress
Attorney Mark Adams and Congressional candidate John Russell discuss laws and tactics used to challenge
suspect elections in Florida. Marj Creech and Dan Ashby co-host.
Mobilizing the Public with Documentary Films
David Earnhardt, Bernie Ellis, Rob Cohen, and Sally Castleman discuss Uncounted, Hacking Democracy,
and Stealing America Vote by Vote
Technical Election Monitoring with SAVElections Monterey County
Jim March and Valerie Lane describe monitoring objectives and obstructions encountered.
Humboldt Election Transparency Project and Paper Ballot Platform Plank
Scanning ballot images to the web, and calling for a paper ballot plank in political party platforms
Whistleblowing to Stop the Shredder in Pima, AZ
Jim March on Pima election rigging, California monitoring, and talking sense to Texas legislators
Tennessee Enacts Paper Ballot Audit Law
Bernie Ellis and Deborah Narrigan of Gathering to Save Our Democracy
California EI Activism with Voting Rights Task Force and Save R Vote
Jim Soper and Michelle Gabriel of VRTF, and Maxine Ewig with Tom Courbat of Save R Vote
AZ Transparency Project investigations, and PA Primary Exit Polling
Co-hosts John Brakey and Marj Creech
VoterGA Lawsuit, Georgia Precinct Audit Bills, and HR 5630
Garland Favorito of VoterGA and Kathy Dopp of NEDA
Host Tom Courbat with Michael Jay, Robin Gibson, Harry Lehmann, and Paul Jacobs
VoterGA lawsuit to bar DREs in Georgia, OH Citizen Exit Polling, and NH impeachment resolution
Garland Favorito, Marj Creech, Nancy White
Witness to a Crime in Ohio and Handcount Resolutions in CA
Richard Hayes Phillips and Dave Berman
NM Caucus Report, FL, OH, TX Citizen Exit Polls, and NH Impeachment
Pat Leahan, Mark Adams, Marj Creech, Rep. Betty Hall, Paul Lehto
Primary Election, Exit Poll, and Recount Reports: CA, NH, FL, AZ
Steven Freeman and Jonathan Simon on Exit Polling
Mary Vollero and Bob Brownlee on Citizen Exit Polling in Centre County, PA
David Griscom, Jonathan Simon, and Tom Courbat on Improbable NH Vote and Polling Discrepancies
Jim March on Forensic Potential of the Released Pima AZ Election Databases
Jonathan Simon, Dave Berman, and Mary Ann Gould on the Amicus Brief to Avert Forced E-voting in NY
John Brakey and Jim March on the Pima AZ Investigation and Lawsuit
Interview with Paddy Shaffer of Ohio Election Justice Campaign
Hosted by Bev Harris
We are currently reorganizing the audio files for Blackbox America Live in a new archive.
Many of these recordings have been unavailable for the past year, but were recently reacquired.
We're now cataloging their contents.
All the audio links below are active.
We will be adding identifications to the other recordings as soon as possible.
In the meantime, click on a mystery link and see what you get.
Bev Harris talks with Dan Ashby of Election Defense Alliance
Interview with Tom Courbat of SaveRVote (Riverside County, CA)
Interview with Vicki Karp and Karen Renick of Vote Rescue (Travis County, Texas)
Interview with Ellen Brodsky, of Broward Election Reform Coalition [BERC] (Broward County, FL)
Memphis Operation Election Integrity
Interview with Alan Dechert
Interview with Bruce Funk
Uncatalogued, but links are live